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Leptin, the product of ob gene, is an important circulating hormone for the regulation of homeostasis of body weight and enegy expenditure. There was a previous reports that thyroid hormone is one of regulating factors of leptin gene expression in vitro. The aim of this study was designed to evaluate the role of thyroid hormone levels in the regulation of circulating leptin concentrations in human. METHODS: A total 16S subjects were studied; 76 patients with Graves disease, 49 patients with Hashimoto disease and 43 control sujjects. The correlation between thryoid hormone and leptin levels were analyzed and serum leptin levels were compared among the groups which was classified by thyroid functional status. Serum leptin concentratios were measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in serum leptin levels between the groups of control, Graves disease and Hashimoto disease. The hypothyroid groups of Graves disease which was induced by excessive antithyroid drug treatment showed significant low levels(5.6 +/-2.8 ng/mL) compared to control(9.6 +/- 5.2 ng/ml) and thyrotoxic groups(10.0 +/- 5,0 ng/mL) CONCLUSION: The hypothyroid patients showed low levels of serum leptin concentrations it may indicate that thyroid horrnone play a role in the appropriate secretion of leptin in human.