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Many endocrinologic diseases can induce muscular diseases. Myopathy caused by exogenous steroid is a common problem in patients prescribed steroids as therapy. We report a case of iatrogenic steroid myopathy in a 55-year-old female who had taken steroids under her own volition at a local pharmacy for more than 3 months due to skin rash and itching. She complained of severe proximal muscle wasting and weakness in the lower extremities and also exhibited other stigmata of Cushing's syndrome such as moon face, buffalo hump or easy bruising. Needle electromyography showed the typical pattern of myopathy. Muscle biopsy revealed intermixed numerous, markedly atrophic and angulated basophilic fibers and a few fat cells without inflammation. In addition there was marked and selective atrophy of type II fiber on ATPase staining in pH 9.4 buffer. After discontinuation of steroid treatment, she has experienced slow improvement through physical therapy, including isotonic exercise.