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Case Report A Case of Calciphylaxis Mimicking Dermatomyositis.
Jeung Hun Han, Sin Won Lee, Gui Hwa Jung, Chang Hoon Choi, Soon Hee Lee, Jung Guk Kim, Sung Woo Ha, Jong Myung Lee, Nung Soo Kim, Bo Wan Kim
Endocrinology and Metabolism 2002;17(2):297-301

Published online: April 1, 2002
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Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.

Calciphylaxis is a rare, but fatal, condition that is characterized by a rapidly progressive ischemic necrosis of the skin, underlying tissue and other organs, as well as rapid vascular calcification. It results in death due to sepsis, heart or respiratory failure. A 67-year old female was admitted to hospital with the chief complaint of constant pain to both lower legs of 1 week duration. She was treated with calcitonin-salmon due to a prior unexplained hypercalcemia of 2 weeks. On the third day post admission. pain and weakness in the lower legs were aggravated, became painful, with violaceous skin lesions developing on the thigh with findings similar to those of rhabdomyolysis. Because she was suspected of having dermatomyositis, she was treated with methylpredrisolone. However, the skin lesions and symptoms were aggravated, and she died of sepsis due to a skin infection. About 160 cases of calciphylaxis have been reported, with most of these cases being associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism due to end-stage renal disease, but cases of calciphylaxis without renal failure are very rare. We now report a case of calciphylaxis without renal failure, mimicking dermatomyositis, and present a brief review of the pathophysiology and treatments of calciphylaxis inform the relevant literature.

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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism