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Original Article Relationship with Serum Adiponectin Concentrations and Obesity in Korean Children.
Hyoun Ah Kim, Hyoung Suk Lee, Chul Sik Kim, Chul Woo Ahn, Yoon Sok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Kap Bum Huh, Dae Jung Kim
Endocrinology and Metabolism 2003;18(5):473-480

Published online: October 1, 2003
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1Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
321st century Diabetes and Vascular Research Institute, Korea.
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Adiponectin is an adipocytokine that is highly specific to adipose tissue. In contrast to other adipocytokine, the adiponectin levels are decreased in obesity and/or type 2 diabetes. There are few studies regarding the correlation between the adiponectin concentration and obesity in children. Thus, whether the serum adiponectin concentrations are associated with adiposity in children was investigated. METHODS: One hundred and sixty four subjects were selected from the participants in an ongoing study on the relationship between birth weight and insulin resistance in children. The current weights, heights, body fat percentages, waist circumferences, blood pressures, lipid profiles and insulin resistance, by the HOMA method, were measured in all the subjects. The serum adiponectin concentrations were determined by a validated sandwich ELISA, using a human adiponectin-specific antibody. RESULTS: The serum adiponectin concentration was negatively correlated with the body mass index, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, insulin resistance by HOMA and serum triglycerides, and positively correlated with the serum HDL cholesterol level. The serum adiponectin concentrations in the boys were significantly lower than in the girls. In a multiple regression analysis, the serum adiponectin concentration was strongly associated with waist circumference and gender. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that there was an inverse relationship between the serum adiponectin concentration and abdominal adiposity in children. However, further studies on independent gender differences on adiponectin are needed.

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