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A 58-year-old man was investigated for his complaints of chronic frontal headache. The endocrinologic hormone studies were compatible with diabetes insipidus and suggestive of panhypopituitarism. Sellar MRI showed a cystic sellar lesion with peripheral rim enhancement after contrast injection, and this led to an initial diagnosis of pituitary adenoma with hemorrhagic necrosis. He underwent an operation via the transsphenoidal approach to access the pituitary gland. During the operation, purulent materials were obtained and no tumor or other associated lesions were detected. There was no evidence of current or previous septicemic illness, meningitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis or sinus infection. All the cultures we obtained were negative. He was put on antibiotics and discharged after 4 weeks. Now, 18 months after treatment, he is doing well.