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Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a hereditary disorder that's characterized by the female phenotype in spite of the 46, XY karyotype, and this is caused by mutation of the androgen receptor gene. We experienced a case of the complete type of AIS. A 20-yr-old woman was evaluated for primary amenorrhea. The patient had external genitalia of the female phenotype, but she had no ovaries or uterus. The abdominal computed tomography scan revealed suspected testes in the pelvic cavity. The chromosome analysis was reported as 46, XY. We identified an androgen receptor gene novel mutation, including CAT deletion at the position 1925~1927 and AG deletion at the position 2129~2130 of exon 5, in both the proband and her sister. The patient underwent laparoscopic gonadectomy due to the possibility of malignant tumor developing in the testes. The subject is now on estrogen supplementation and she is under regular follow-up; she is in a good condition.