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We report here on a 34-year-old Korean woman with active acromegaly and who received Octreotide-LAR(R) for 12 months following transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. During Octreotide-LAR(R) treatment, the clinical improvement was paralleled with the decrease of the growth hormone levels to 1.1 ng/mL and the insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels to 345.5 ng/mL. Octreotide-LAR(R) was discontinued when the patient was found to be at the 12th week of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the patient experienced clinical well-being and she maintained her IGF-I levels within the normal range for her age-matched despite discontinuation of Octreotide-LAR(R) treatment at early gestation. She delivered a full-term healthy male infant. The serum IGF-I levels of the patient increased progressively increased after delivery. This report describes a successful pregnancy in an acromegalic woman who was exposed to Octreotide-LAR(R) during the early gestational period. She and who showed an unexpected pattern of persistently normal IGF-I levels through the pregnancy despite discontinuation of Octreotide-LAR(R) therapy.