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Original Article Parathyroid Cysts.
Sung Kil Lim, Jin Sub Choi, Cheong Soo Park
Endocrinology and Metabolism 1994;9(2):128-135

Published online: November 6, 2019
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The parathyroid cyst is a relatively uncommon disease and usually identified during the operation for a presumed thyroid mass. Thirteen cases of parathyroid cyst (2 males, 11 females) treated from 1981 to 1993 were reviewed. Ages ranged from 17 to 59 years(mean, 41 years). Gross measurement of the tumor size varied from 1.0 to 10.0 cm in diameter with a mean of 4.8cm. All of the 13 patients presented with a chief complaint of painless anterior cervical mass. Only one complained of mild symptom of dyspnea and voice change due to huge cyst in paratracheal space. No functional cyst was identified. Diagnostic studies included ^99mTc thyroid scan (n=11), ultrasonography (n=10), computerized tomography (n=4) and fine needle aspiration(FNA) (preoperative, n=4; intraoperative, n=3). All diagnostic precedures but needle aspiration were nonspecific. Cysts were found in right inferior parathyroid(n=4), left inferior parathyroid (n=7), or anterior superior mediastinum (n=2). The FNA of the cyst contents revealed watery clear fluid with elevated parathyroid hormone level and was diagnostic in each cases. Four patients were treated initially with needle aspiration, of which only one patient was successful, and 3 patients who were unsuccessful to needle aspiration and the remaining 9 were effectively treated with surgical extirpation. Our experience suggested that needle aspiration may be of significant help in diagnosis and treatment of parathyroid cyst, but most of the patient could be treated successfully by surgical extirpation with an excellent chance for curability.

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