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Tuberculosis of the thyroid gland is extremely rare with few cases reported in recent years. Tuberculosis may involve the thyroid gland in two main forms. The more common of theses is miliary spread to the thyroid as part of generalized dissemination and less commonly focal or caseous tuberculosis of the thyroid may occur, presenting as a nodule, as a thyroiditis, as a abscess, or as carcinoma like.We experienced two cases of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland presenting with palpable thyroid nodule in 26 year-old female and 65 year-old female patients. They have been clinically and biochemically euthyroid and their thyroid scans demonstrated a cold nodule at right thyroid gland. We found no evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere. The goiter was removed surgically and confirmed to be tuberculosis. They were medicated antituberculous agents after operation and followed up regulary out patient department.We report the cases of two patients with tuberculosis involving thyroid with reviews of literature.