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Primary hyperparathyroicism is a state of hypersecretion of PTH by the parathyroid. The etiology has not been established. The three possible etiologies of piimary hyperparathyroidism and incidences are adencena(83%), hyperplasia(15%), and carcinoma(1~2%). Parathyroid carcinoma usually presents in the fourth decades. The hallmark preoperative signs are hypercalcemia(serum calcium 15mg/dl). Palpable neck mass and bane and renal disease. Patients may present with multiple signs and syrnptoms, including recurrent nephrolithiasis, peptic ulcers, mental change, less frequently, extensive bone resorption. However, with greater awareness of the disease and wider use of screening tests, including blood calcium determinations, the diagnosis is frequently made in patients who have no symptoms and minimal, if any, signs of the disease ather than hypercalcemia and elevated levels of parathyroid Hormone. An 38-years-old woman was admitted to the hospital due to pain on the left knee joint. We experienced full-brown symptom pertaining to hyperpara- thyroidism. Thus we report a case herein and also discuss clinical anifestation, histologic features and treatment.