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The relation between clinical characteristics and a change of thymid functions in patients with hyperemesis gavidarum(HO) has not been well described. In order to clarify this characteristics, we evaluated thyroid function in patients with HG and compared the relationship to clinical characteristics of gestational thyrotoxicosis and hyperemesis. METHODS: From March, 1991, to April, 1997, 20 patients were admitted to the department of obstetrics in Chonbuk National University Hospital because of HG. We examined clinical characteristics of patients with HG(age, marrital age, levels of educations, obstetrical history, gestational duration, vomiting duration, degree of weight loss, infant's birth weights, duration of pregnancy). Thyroid functions, liver functions and serum electrolytes was measured. Also, we compared to the clinical characteristics of patients with HG according to thyroxine concentration. RESULTS: An increased free thyroxine concentration was observed m 65% of 20 pregnancies complicated by severe HG. The level of serum ALT was greater in thyrotoxicosis patients(91.2+-76.6 IU/L, mean +-SD) than normothyroxemic patients(20.3+-12.7 IU/L, P=0.027). Also, increased level of serum AST was observed in patients with HG. In patients with thyrotoxicosis, the long durations of vomiting was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Increased free thyroxine concentration is found in severe HG. Because the relatively higher risk for thyrotoxicosis, patients with severe hyperemesis, they must be evaluated about thyroid functions.