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Original Article Prevalence of Gsa, ras, p53 Mutations and ret/PTC Rearrangement in Differentiated Thyroid Tumors of Korean Population.
Il Min Ahn, Young Il Kim, Hyun Soo Park, Ki Young Park, Seok Jun Hong, Eun Joo Lee, Kyung Yub Gong
Endocrinology and Metabolism 1998;13(2):189-197

Published online: January 1, 2001
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In thyroid tumor, ras, Gsa, p53 mutation and ret/FfC rearrangement have been reported with variable prevalences in different geographic regions. We studied the prevalences of these mutations and reammgement in thyroid tumors of Korean population. METHODS: Eleven cases of adenamatous goiter, 8 cases of follicular adenoma, 5 cases of foliicular carcinoma, 37 cases of papillary carcinoma were included in this study. To find mutations and rearrangement, RT-PCR, SSCP, and/or direct sequencing, after subcloning if necessary, were used. RESULTS: We could not find any rearrangment for ret/PTC-l, -2, -3 and mutations of Gsa. For ras oncogene, K and H-ras mutations were not found, but N-ras mutations, point mutation of CAA to CGA in codon 61, were detected in 1 follicular adenoma(12.5%, 1/8) and 1 follicular carcinoma(33%, 1/3). And p53 mutations were detected only in 1 case of papillary carcinoma (3%, 1/31: exon 8, codon 266 GGA-GAA). CONCLUSION: ret/PTC rearrangement, Gsa, ras and p53 mutations are relatively rare in differentiated thyroid neoplasms of Korean population, which may reflect the genetic and environmental differences from those countries with high prevalence.

Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism