The association of thyroid carcinoma and Hashimotos thyroiditis in same thyroid gland is controversial. Incidence of carcinoma who has Hashimotos thyroiditis has been reported from 0.5 to 22.5 per cent by Crile and by Hirabayashi et al. The reason that there are such great diffarences in the reported incidences of carcinoma in Hashimotos disease is the result of the way the material is reported. The carcinomas of the thyroid which occur in association with Hashirnotos thyroiditis are predominently papillary tumors of lower grade malignancy. Thyroid carcinoma need not be feared in patimts with Hashimotos thymiditis, if one examines the ghmd catefully. When patients with Hashimotos disease are treated with thyroxine, there is little or no tendency for Hashimotos disease propess to clinieally detectable carcinoma of the thymid, and the microcarcinoma does not appear. In this case, single thyroid nodule was detected in Hashiimotos disease patient who was treated with thyroxine. There was no significant volume change of thyroid nodule despite of TSH suppression therapy during six months. Therefore we perforrned FNABC twice, the results were highly suspicious thyroid malignancy and subtotoal thyroidectomy was performed. The final pathologic result was microscopic papillary carcinoma with background Hashlmotos thyroiditis. In conclusion, we experienced a case of subsequent microscopic papillary carcinoma of the thyroid in patient with Hashimotos thyroiditis who was TSH suppression therapy with thyroxine.