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4 "Empty sella syndrome"
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Case Reports
Two Cases of Graves Disease Associated The Empty Sella Syndrome.
Yeun Jong Choi, Hong Seung Kim, Eui Ryun Park, Young Gu Shin, Choon Hee Chung
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1996;11(4):517-522.   Published online November 7, 2019
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The empty sella syndrome is characterized by obesity, frequent pregnancy, headache and high blood pressure, but its exact cause remains unknown. Usually the incomplete diaphragmatic sella has been considered as the cause of the empty sella syndrome, but some authors recently have suggested that the antipituitary antibody way be related to development of pituitary atrophy and the pituitary empty sella syndrome, and thus it may be clinically useful as screening test for the empty sella syndrome. We experienced two empty sella syndromes associated Graves disease and applied the antipituitary antibody as the diagnostic tool of the empty sella syndrome. But none of this two patients had antipituitary antibody and we report these cases with reviews of literatures.
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Two Cases of Acromegaly with Empty Sella Syndrome Treated by Long-Acting Release Octreotide.
Dong Jin Kim, Young Jin Seo, Nam Hoon Kim, Hye Soo Chung, Chai Ryoung Eun, Hye Jung Choi, Hye Sook Kim, Sae Jeong Yang, Juri Park, Hye Jin Yoo, Soo Yeon Park, Yun Jeong Lee, Ohk Hyun Ryu, Kye Won Lee, Hee Young Kim, Ji A Seo, Sin Gon Kim, Nan Hee Kim, Kyung Mook Choi, Sei Hyun Baik, Dong Seop Choi
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2007;22(2):135-141.   Published online April 1, 2007
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Two cases of typical acromegaly with empty sella syndrome presented to our institution. In the natural course of untreated pituitary adenoma, empty sella syndrome may result from necrosis by infarction or from hemorrhage of the pituitary gland. In our patients, the secretion of growth hormone continued in spite of the existence of empty sella syndrome. In one case, we confirmed the hypersecretion of growth hormone from sella by jugular vein sampling. Medical therapy with somatostatin analogue was attempted because there was no obvious mass in the sella. After 6~12 months of treatment with long-acting release octreotide, clinical features in our patients were improved, and the level of growth hormone and IGF-1 were also normalized.
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A Case of Cushing's Disease due to Pituitary Microadenoma Combined with Primary Empty Sella Syndrome.
Yun Jung Lee, Sangyoul Rhee, Suk Chon, Seungjoon Oh, Jeong Taek Woo, Sung Woon Kim, Jin Woo Kim, Young Seol Kim, Byung Wook Lee, Jung Won Jeon
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2006;21(6):567-571.   Published online December 1, 2006
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An empty sella is defined as a sella which, regardless of its size, is completely or partly filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The endocrine function of primary empty sella syndrome is usually normal, but sometimes this syndrome is associated with complete or partial pituitary insufficiency and rarely hypersecretion of pituitary hormone. Primary empty sella syndrome combined with Cushing's disease has rarely been reported. A 45-years-old woman presented with cushingoid feature. Her urinary cortisol and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion were increased. The results of endocrine function testing were suggestive of Cushing's disease. Sella MRI showed of partially empty sella and pituitary microadenoma. The pituitary microadenoma was removed by the trans-sphenoidal approach. We report here on this case together with a review of the literature.
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Original Article
Primary empty sella syndrome.
Kyoung Rae Kim, Sung Kil Lim, Young Duk Song, Hyun Chul Lee, Kap Bum Huh, Eun Sook Kim, In Jai Kim, Yoon Jae Moon, Sang Kyu Na, Su Youn Nam, Eun Jig Lee
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1997;12(3):386-392.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Primary empty sella syndrome (PES) is thought to arise from an incompetent diaphragma allowing progressive herniation of arachnoid membrane with secondary compression and atrophy of the pituitary gland. As a consequence of the improvement and widespread use of neuroradiological techniques, such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), empty sella is more frequently disclosed. The aim of this study is to assess the associated clinical characteristics and endocrinologic disturbance in empty sella syndrome. METHODS: From January 1986 to June 1996, 171 patients with empty sella syndrome have undergone analysis for clinical characteristics and associated disease. RESULT: In our study, PES was diagnosed in 131 of the 171 patients (77%). Primary empty sella syndrome was frequent in middle aged women (female:male 115:16, mean age: 50.6+12.6 years). The common clinical features were headache (80.2%), obesity (72.5%), and hypertension (27.5%). Most of patients with PES have normal pituitary function (75%). The frequent pituitary dysfunction was hyperprolactinemia in PES (21%). Partial and total emptiness of sella on sella CT or MRI were in 111 (84.7%) patients, and in 20 (15.4%) patients, respectively. The most common associated disease with empty sella syndrome was pituitary adenoma. CONCLUSION: PES should be considered as a possible cause in obese middle aged women with unexplained headache. The combined pituitary function test should be considered for evaluation of pituitary dysfunction when clinically suspected.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism