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Original Article
- Primary Aldosteronism Due to Aldosterone Producing Adenama in the Presence of Contralateral Nonfunctioning Adenama.
Ho Young Son, Eun Ah Kim, Jin Il Kwon, Young Joon Kim, Won Ho Chung, Kyung Rim Choi, Sang Jin Choi, Hye Young Park, Moon Ho Kang
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1998;13(2):223-229. Published online January 1, 2001
- Primary aldosteronism is in most cases due either to a unilateral adrenal adenama or to a bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. But, a few of bilateral adrena1 tumors in primary aldosteronism also have been reported. In these cases, it is important to differentiate the bilateral aldosterone producing adenomas from the unilateral aldosteronoma in the presence of a contralateral nonhmctioning adenoma for marking a treatment plan. We report a case of primary aldosteronism due to a unilateral aldosteronoma in the presence of a contralateral nonfunctioning adenoma. Abdominal CT sean revealed bilateral adrenal tumors, of which the functioning one was successfully localized using adrenal scintigraphy and selective adrenal venous sampling.