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Volume 24(1); March 2009
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Review Articles
The Significance of Intensive Insulin Treatment in Acutely Ill Patients.
Doo Man Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):1-6.   Published online March 1, 2009
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  • Change in Penile Length in Children: Preliminary Study
    Joong Ho Lee, Young Hwan Ji, Seung Kyu Lee, Hyun Ho Hwang, Dong Soo Ryu, Kun Suk Kim, Hyun Soo Choo, Seonghun Park, Kyung Hyun Moon, Sang Hyeon Cheon, Sungchan Park
    Korean Journal of Urology.2012; 53(12): 870.     CrossRef
  • Characterizing streambed water fluxes using temperature and head data on multiple spatial scales in Munsan stream, South Korea
    Yunjung Hyun, Heejung Kim, Seong-Sun Lee, Kang-Kun Lee
    Journal of Hydrology.2011; 402(3-4): 377.     CrossRef
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An Overview and Future Perspective on Endocrine Disruptors.
Chul Woo Lee, Kyung Hee Choi, Seok Won Jeong, Hye Lim Kim, Young Rok Seo
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):7-14.   Published online March 1, 2009
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  • Safety Assessment of Endocrine Disruption by Menopausal Health Functional Ingredients
    Soyeon Kang, Hagyeong Jo, Mee-Ran Kim
    Healthcare.2021; 9(10): 1376.     CrossRef
  • Prognostic Value of p53 and Cyclin D1 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
    Jae Yeon Seok, Dong Hae Chung, Yoo Seung Chung, Jung Won Ryu, Young Don Lee
    Korean Journal of Endocrine Surgery.2015; 15(2): 25.     CrossRef
  • Prognostic Value of p53 and Cyclin D1 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
    Jae Yeon Seok, Dong Hae Chung, Yoo Seung Chung, Jung Won Ryu, Young Don Lee
    Korean Journal of Endocrine Surgery.2015; 15(2): 25.     CrossRef
  • Tributyltin increases the expression of apoptosis- and adipogenesis-related genes in rat ovaries
    Hyojin Lee, Sojeong Lim, Sujin Yun, Ayoung Yoon, Gayoung Park, Hyunwon Yang
    Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine.2012; 39(1): 15.     CrossRef
  • Epigenetic control of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gynecological disease: Focused on phthalates
    Hyun Hee Cho
    Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.2012; 55(9): 619.     CrossRef
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Expression of miRNA 146a/b, 221 and 222 in Thyroid Cancer.
Do Joon Park
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):15-16.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Original Articles
Expression of miRNA 146a/b, 221 and 222 in Thyroid Cancer.
Young Suk Jo, Ihn Suk Lee, Woojeong Hong, In Sang Song, Minho Shong, Je Ryoung Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):17-24.   Published online March 1, 2009
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miRNAs can be diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets in cancers, but few studies have been conducted in thyroid cancer. We investigated the expression levels of miRNA 146a/b, 221, and 222 which are important miRNAs in papillary thyroid cancers (PTCa), and verified their impact on clinicopathological factors. METHODS: We measured the expression of pre-miRNAs 146a/b, 221, and 222 in NPA cells treated with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) or in HEK293T cells transfected with RET/PTC3 or BRAFV600E expression vectors. We also investigated the relationship between miRNA expression levels in thyroid cancer tissue specimens and clinicopathological parameters. RESULTS: Growth stimulation with 10% FBS induced miRNA expressions in NPA cells, and transfection of RET/PTC3 and BRAFV600E also increased the expression of these miRNAs in HEK293T cells. Most (25 cases; 50%) of PTCa showed increased expression of miRNA-146a/b and 30 cases (60%) had elevated expression of miRNA-221 and miRNA-222 compared to normal thyroid samples from the contralateral lobe. However, increased miRNA expression did not correlate with clinicopathological factors. CONCLUSION: Expression of miRNA 146a/b, 221, and 222 was increased by BRAFV600E and RET/PTC3 rearrangement and might have a role in tumorigenesis in PTCa. However, expression levels of these miRNAs did not correlate with clinicopathological parameters of patients with PTCa.


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  • Expression of miRNA 146a/b, 221 and 222 in Thyroid Cancer
    Do Joon Park
    Journal of Korean Endocrine Society.2009; 24(1): 15.     CrossRef
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Effects of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) Delta on the Growth and Invasion of a Thyroid Cancer Cell Line.
Won Gu Kim, Hyun Jeung Choi, Eui Young Kim, Tae Yong Kim, Won Bae Kim, Seong Chul Kim, Young Kee Shong
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):25-32.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPAR-delta) is a ligand-activated nuclear transcription factor that is associated with many diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. However, the function of PPAR-delta is controversial in carcinogenesis since its ligands may inhibit or promote the growth of cancer cells. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of GW501516, the specific agonist of PPAR-delta, in the growth and invasiveness of thyroid cancer cell lines by modulation of the target genes, ANGPTL-4 and MCP-1. METHODS: Three kinds of human cancer cell lines, FRO (thyroid anaplastic carcinoma), NPA (melanoma), and ARO (colon cancer) were treated with GW501516 in serum-free media. Cell viability was assayed using a colorimetric cell counting kit-8 assay. The changes in the level of expression of PPAR-delta and its target genes, angiopoietin-like protein-4 (ANGPTL-4) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), were determined by RT-PCR analysis and invasiveness was assessed by a cell invasion assay kit. RESULTS: GW501516 inhibited the cell growth of cancer cell lines in a dose-dependent manner and modulated the stimulation of ANGPTL-4, as well as inhibition of MCP-1. These effects were more prominent in NPA and ARO, but less effective in the thyroid cancer cell line, which had higher PPAR-delta and lower ANGPTL-4 mRNA levels. The inhibitory effects of GW501516 on cancer invasiveness had a similar pattern. CONCLUSION: The activation of PPAR-delta by GW501516 reduced the cell growth and invasiveness of the thyroid cancer cell line. This effect of GW501516 was associated with a stimulatory effect of ANGPTL4 and an inhibitory effect of MCP-1 in cancer cell lines. GW501516 was less effective in the thyroid cancer cell line, which had a low basal ANGPTL-4 mRNA level. The findings of our study serve as an impetus for further studies to elucidate the precise role of ANGPTL-4 and PPAR-delta in carcinogenesis.
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Case Reports
A Case of Septo-optic Dysplasia Associated with Anterior Pituitary Hormone Abnormalities.
Jin Woo Lee, Eui Kyung Hwang, Tae Ho Kim, Hyung Young Yoon, Jae Ho Jung, Yong Won Choi, Suk Woo Yong, Jae Hong Ahn, Sun Yong Kim, Ho Sung Kim, Yoon Sok Chung
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):33-37.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is a rare congenital malformation syndrome that is manifested by a triad of optic nerve hypoplasia, midline brain abnormalities and hypopituitarism. It is known to be associated with homeobox gene HESX1 mutation in some familial cases.
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A Case of Acute Suppurative Thyroiditis in a Patient with Leukemia Who was Treated with Chemotherapy.
Hoon Sung Choi, Hwa Young Ahn, Jae Seok Lee, Hyosang Kim, Jung Ah Lim, Tae Hyuk Kim, Minjoo Kim, Yenna Lee, Do Jun Park, Bo Youn Cho
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):38-41.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is a rare disease of the thyroid gland that results from anatomical abnormalities, such as pyriform sinus fistula. However, in some case reports, patients with AST did not have anatomical abnormalities, including a report in which children with acute leukemia developed AST after chemotherapy. We report a case of AST in an adult with a hematologic disorder treated with chemotherapy. Although he was initially treated with parenteral antibiotics, surgical intervention was performed due to progressive worsening of AST. He recovered after surgical intervention and had no anatomical abnormality.


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  • Infection of Thyroid Cyst Occurring 1 Month after Fine-Needle Aspiration in an Immunocompetent Patient
    Jung Kyu Park, Eon Ju Jeon
    International Journal of Thyroidology.2018; 11(2): 182.     CrossRef
  • A Case of Acute Suppurative Thyroiditis with Thyrotoxicosis in an Elderly Patient
    Bo Sang Kim, Kil Woo Nam, Jeong Eun Kim, Ji Hoon Park, Jun Sik Yoon, Jung Hwan Park, Sang Mo Hong, Chang Bum Lee, Yong Soo Park, Woong Hwan Choi, You Hern Ahn, Dong Sun Kim
    Endocrinology and Metabolism.2013; 28(1): 50.     CrossRef
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Normal Repetitive Pregnancies and Tumor Regression Induced by Low-Dose Bromocriptine in a Patient with Macroprolactinoma.
Hye Jung Choi, Jin Yong Park, Woo Seok Choi, Jong Gyu Song, Hee Young Kim, Ji A Seo, Sin Gon Kim, Nan Hee Kim, Kyung Mook Choi, Sei Hyun Baik, Dong Seop Choi
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):42-46.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Prolactin-secreting adenomas are the most common pituitary tumors. Menstrual disturbances and infertility are the main complaints in women with prolactinoma. Dopaminergic agonists such as bromocriptine are well-established treatments for prolactinoma when pregnancy is desired. Pregnancy-related outcomes in macroprolactinoma are worse than those in microprolactinoma. In addition, symptomatic tumor expansion during pregnancy occurs in 30% of women with macroprolactinoma. Therefore, when women with macroprolactinoma are planning a pregnancy, serum prolactin level should be normalized and the tumor volume significantly reduced. On the other hand, a spontaneous regression of macroprolactinoma can occur after pregnancy. We report a case of macroprolactinoma showing significant tumor regression during repeated pregnancies and low dose bromocriptine treatment, with a literature review.
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A Case of Pheochromocytoma That Presented as Inverted Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy.
Meyoung Cho, Ik Sang Shin, Ae Ryoung Jin, Jong Bin Park, Hye Jung Noh, Hun Soo Kim, Ha Young Kim, Byoung Hyun Park, Chung Gu Cho, Jin Won Jeong
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):47-53.   Published online March 1, 2009
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A 52-year-old female was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain. Her electrocardiogram revealed ST depressions in leads II, III, aVF and V2-5. The echocardiography showed transient cardiomyopathy with akinesia of the basal and mid portions of the left ventricle and hyperkinesia of the apex. There was no evidence of any vascular lesion on the emergency coronary angiography. She was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma by abdominal computed tomography and the post-operative pathologic examinations. These findings led us to a diagnosis of inverted Takotsubo cardiomyopathy related with pheochromocytoma. The recognition of such a rare cardiac manifestation should be considered in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, and especially in the circumstances of acute heart failure.


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  • A Case of Malignant Pheochromocytoma Presenting as Inverted Takotsubo-Like Cardiomyopathy
    Jung Eun Jang, Hyuk Hee Kwon, Min Jung Lee, Chang Hee Jung, Sung Jin Bae, Hong Kyu Kim, Woo Je Lee
    Endocrinology and Metabolism.2012; 27(1): 98.     CrossRef
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A Case of Hyalinizing Trabecular Adenoma of the Thyroid Gland.
Hyun Won Shin, Young Lyun Oh, Hye Won Jang, Ji In Lee, Sun Wook Kim, Yong Ki Min, Myung Shik Lee, Moon Kyu Lee, Kwang Won Kim, Jae Hoon Chung
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):54-57.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Hyalinizing trabecular tumor is a rare benign thyroid tumor first described by Carney et al. in 1987. The tumor is characterized by an encapsulated nodule, trabecular arrangement of polygonal, oval, elongated cells, and hyalinized stroma. It is easily confused with papillary thyroid carcinoma or medullary thyroid carcinoma on surgical and cytologic specimens. A 45-year-old man presented with an incidentally detected left thyroid mass. Fine needle aspiration was performed and papillary thyroid carcinoma was suspected. However, the surgical specimen revealed a hyalinizing trabecular adenoma. We present this hyalinizing trabecular adenoma case to share our experience with physicians and specialists.


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  • A Case of Multifocal Hyalinizing Trabecular Tumors of the Thyroid Gland
    Suhwan Jeong, Hanaro Park
    Journal of Clinical Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.2021; 32(3): 308.     CrossRef
  • A Case of Hyalinizing Trabecular Tumor of the Thyroid Gland
    Kun Woo Kim, Sang Joon Lee, Phil-Sang Chung, Junghwan Moon
    Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.2012; 55(12): 795.     CrossRef
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A Case of Adult-Onset Adrenoleukodystrophy Combined with Moyamoya Disease.
Yong Cheol Kim, Byoung Hyun Park, Tae Yang Yu, Ae Ryoung Jin, Hye Jung Noh, Chung Yong Yang, Ha Young Kim, Chung Gu Cho
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2009;24(1):58-62.   Published online March 1, 2009
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Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare inherited metabolic disease associated with the accumulation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) in the central and peripheral nervous systems and adrenal glands, and leads to leukoencephaly myeloneuropathy, adrenal insufficiency, and hypogonadism. Frequent phenotypes, which account for 80% of cases, are infantile ALD and adrenomyeloneuropathy. Adult-onset ALD is rare (1~3%). The diagnosis of X-linked ALD is based on clinical findings and abnormal plasma concentrations of VLCFA. Here, we report a rare case of adult-onset ALD, which might involve a brain vascular operation as an aggravating factor, combined with moyamoya disease, in a 35-year-old male who presented with adrenal insufficiency, abnormal brain imaging, and elevated VLCFA levels.


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  • Clinical and Genetic Aspects in Twelve Korean Patients with Adrenomyeloneuropathy
    Hyung Jun Park, Ha Young Shin, Hoon-Chul Kang, Byung-Ok Choi, Bum Chun Suh, Ho Jin Kim, Young-Chul Choi, Phil Hyu Lee, Seung Min Kim
    Yonsei Medical Journal.2014; 55(3): 676.     CrossRef
  • An Incidentally Identified Sporadic Case with Adrenoleukodystrophy with the ABCD1 Mutation
    Soon-Jung Shin, Ja Hye Kim, Yoo-Mi Kim, Gu-Hwan Kim, Beom Hee Lee, Han-Wook Yoo
    Journal of Genetic Medicine.2013; 10(1): 43.     CrossRef
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism