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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism


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eun Kyung Jung  (Jung eK) 1 Article
Signal Transduction Related Oncogenes in Human Adrenal Cortical Tumor; Gsα Giα, CREB.
Eun Jig Lee, Kyung Rae Kim, Hyun Chul Lee, Kap Bum Huh, Sung Kil Lim, eun Kyung Jung, Hyung Chun Park, Woo Hee Jung, Dong Whan Shin, Hyun Suk Lee, Yung Dae Yoon
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1994;9(4):350-357.   Published online November 6, 2019
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Functioning adrenal cortical tumors are originated form a distinct zone(zonna glomerulosa, zonna fasciculata or zonna reticularis) or the transitonal zone of adrenal gland. Each zone of the gland is regulated by their specific hormons or cytokines, and their signal transduction systems are different. The oncogenes of many endocrine tumors were mutated proteins involved in signal transduction, however gip is the only reported oncogene in adrenal cortical tumors. Therefore we decided to reevaluate whether gsp might be detected as an oncogene in several different functioning adrenal tumors, and we also tested whether CREB protein is a tentative oncogene or not. In our study, gsp was not detected in 13 patients, however gip was not also detected unexpectedly. There were no mutations in the phosporylation site of CREB("P" box) in adrenal cushing syndrome. We concluded that gip was not a oncogene detected frequently in adrenal cortical tumor, and CREB protein was not considered as a tentative oncogen, because there might be no amplification of the signals due to its extreme distal component of PKA or PKC system.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism