- A Case of Ectopic ACTH Syndrome Associated with Bronchial Carcinoid.
Young Jin Choi, Sang hyen Joo, Sun Hye Shin, Ok Nyu Kong, Jun Hyeop An, Young Dae Kim, Seok Man Son, In Joo Kim, Yong Ki Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2004;19(1):76-81. Published online February 1, 2004
- Fifteen percent of patients with Cushing's syndrome could be accompanied with nonpituitary tumors that secrets ACTH-the ectopic ACTH syndrome. Among them, bronchial carcinoid is one of the rare causes of the ectopic ACTH syndrome. We experienced a 60-year-old woman who showed conditions of weight gain, generalized edema, hypokalemia, diabetes mellitus, and right middle lung mass. Histologically, the tumor was diagnosed with bronchial carcinoid and was confirmed as an ectopic ACTH syndrome through immunohistochemical staining of ACTH. After resection of the lung mass, blood sugar, electrolytes, generalized weakness, and blood pressure improved.
- Renin Release by Adenosine Agosists and Antagonists in Two-Kidney One Clip Goldblatt Hypertensive Rats.
Young Jin Choi, Sun Hee Kim, Kyoung Woo Cho, Jong Huh, Kyung Hwan Seol
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1998;13(1):67-76. Published online January 1, 2001
In two-kidney one clip Goldbaltt hypertensive rats(2K1C GHR), clipped kidney may be exposed to low pressure and unclipped kidney to high pressure. In addition, both kidneys may have a different amount of adenosine which is increased by ischemia and plays an important role for renin release. The aim of this study was to invstigate the responsmiveness for renin release to adenosine agonists and antagonist in clipped and unclipped kidney of 2K1C GHR. METHODS: Emplying kidney slices from both unclipped and unclipped kidney of 2K1C GHR, the alteration by adenosine agonists and antagonist of renin release was studied. RESULTS: The renal renin content and basal renin release from unclipped kidney slices were suppressed, whereas those from clipped kidney were augmented Adenosine Al receptor agonist, cyclohexyladenosne(CHA), phenylisopropyl adenosine(PIA) and adenosine caused a decrease in renin release from clipped kidney slices. Adenosine A2 receptor agonist, NECA, and nonspecific adenosine receptor aganist, 2-chloroadenosine(CA) caused an increase in renin release from clipped kidney slices. Adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-phenyltheophylline(8-PT) caused an increase in renin release from clipped kidney slices. In unclipped kidney, however, the renin release in response to NECA, CA or 8-PT was reversed and the decreasing effect of renin release to CHA and adenosine was slightly inereased. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the responsiveness of adenosine receptors, which may participate in renin release is modified in clipped and unclipped kidney of 2K1C GHR.
- Nephron heterogeneity of renin release in spontaneously hypetensive rats.
Young Jin Choi, Suhn Hee Kim, Une Kim, Kyung Woo Cho
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1991;6(4):314-319. Published online January 1, 2001
- No abstract available.