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You Sook Cho  (Cho YS) 2 Articles
A Korean Pedigree of Paget Bone Disease.
Young Kee Shong, Joong Yeol Park, Ki Up Lee, Ghi Su Kim, Suhn Hee Kim, Jae Kun Cho, You Sook Cho, Hong Ja Kim, Myung Jin Shin
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1995;10(4):451-455.   Published online November 7, 2019
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Paget bone disease(PBD) is usually focal, but can be wide spread disorder of the skeletal remodeling characterized by greatly increased osteoclast size and activity. It has extremely variable prevalence worldwide, being common in England and northern European countries and areas populated by their descendants, but strikingly uncommon in Asia, the middle east, Africa and Scandinavia. It's occurrence also shows familial clustering, some postulates autosomal dominant inheritance. Many studies have shown that paramyxoviruses may play a critical role in the etiology of this disorder. However, the precise etiology of PBD remains unknown.We describe a kindred with PBD in 3 successive generations. The propositus, a 55-year-old man, has panostotic PBD and giant cell reparative granuloma of pagets disease involving his head, mandible, abdomen and ileum, rare tumorous complication of Paget's disease. Bowed limbs were first noticed at age 25 years, and progressed for 20 years. Giant cell reparative granuloma began manifesting at age 45 years, and responded dramatically to high-dose dexamethasone therapy. His pretreatment biochemical finding were remarkable for elevated serum ALP, 765(normal 66-220 u/L) and osteocalcin, 154(normal 6.3-30.7 mg/ml), but normal serum calcium, phosphorous, 250HD and PTH. A nondecalcified iliac crest specimen demonstrated classic histopathologic 25OHD and PTH. A nondecalcified iliac crest specimen demonstrated classic histopathologic changes of PBD on light microscopy. His decreased father had a similar degree of bony deformities beginning at age 20 years, but had not been examined. His two asymptomatic daughters, 20 and 24-year-old, were both found to be affected with widespread PBD by bone scan, radiographic study, and their serum ALP levels, 939 and 435U/L, respectively. This is the first report of familial occurance of PBD and a case of giant cell reparative granuloma of Paget's disease in Korea, where PBD is very rare.
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Sporadic Nonfamilial Hypophosphatemic Osteomalacia.
Young Kee Shong, Joong Yeol Park, Ghi Su Kim, You Sook Cho, Goo Yeong Cho, Sang Wook Kim, Jung Sik Park, Ki Up Lee
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1994;9(1):25-31.   Published online November 6, 2019
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Chronic hypophosphatemia caused by decreased intestinal absorption or increased renal clearance, may lead to rickets or osteomalacia independently of other predisposing abnormalities. The conditions commonly associated with increased renal clearance of phosphate are X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, tumor associated rickets/osteomalacia, RTA and Fanconi syndrome. Recently we experienced 3 men with adult-onset, histologically proven osteomalacia associated with increased renal clearance of phosphate. None of them had a family history of bone disease, tumors or other tubular defects. All of these had remarkable biochemical and clinical improvement with medical treatment such as 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D and phosphate supplementation. Although we did not find tumors yet, we could not rule out the possibility of tumor-associated osteomalcia since it often takes several years to make a diagnosis because of small size, benign nature and unusual location of tumors. Thus, careful long-term follow up for tumor occurrence will be maintained in these patients with sporadic nonfamilial hypophosphatemic osteomalacia.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism