- Correlation between Urinary Growth Hormone Level and Peak Serum Growth Hormone Level in Growth Hormone Provocation Test Using Insulin and L - dopa.
Woo Yeong Chung, Byung Kiu Park, Chul Ho Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1995;10(4):370-376. Published online November 7, 2019
- To investigate the correlation between urinary growth hormone(GH) level and peak serum GH level, urinary GH value measured by overnight collection of urine for 10 hours and serum GH value in response to GH provocation test using insulin and L-dopa were measured in 9 cases of GH complete deficiency(GCD), 19 cases of GH partial deficiency(GPD) and 40 cases of GH normal short stature(GHN). Urinary GH values were measured by the EIA method using PICOIA HGH plate(Joo Woo Pharmaceutical Co., Japan). Urinary GH was expressed in terms of nanograms per gm creatinine(ng/gCr). Serum GH was measured by immunoradiometric assay using "Daiichi kit"(Je Il Pharmaceutical Co., Japan). Wilcoxon ranked sum test and student's t-test were used to assess the significance of differences between the groups of the patients. The correlation between urinary GH level and peak serum GH level was assessed by the parametric Pearson correlation test. The correlation between peak serum GH level in GH provocation test using insulin and urinary GH level measured by overnight 10 hours collection method showed statistically significant results in all the patients(Y=0.464072X +9.208044, r=0.48987, p=0.0001) and in the GH deficiency groups(GCD+GPD) (Y=0.924659X +9.2385509, r=0.80437, p=0.0001). In case of L-dopa stimulation test, urinary GH values were also positively correlated with peak serum GH level when all the patients were participated(Y=0.572988X +8.312993, r=0.58212, p=0.0001). In contrast, no correlation was found when patients were confined to GH deficiency group(GCD+GPD)(Y=0.127712X +8.3129939, r=0.08044, p=0.6841).