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Sung Ki Kim  (Kim SK) 4 Articles
Histomorphometry of Osteogenesis Imperfecta I.
Seong Bin Hong, Suk Myun Ko, Yong Koo Park, Young Joo Park, Yoon Juo Oh, Young Wan Kim, Sung Ki Kim, Moon Suk Nam, Yong Seong Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2002;17(1):117-123.   Published online February 1, 2002
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Osteoporosis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder characterized by fragility of bone, deafness, blue sclerae; and laxity of joints. Four types of OI are distinguished by clinical findings. Although mutations affecting collagen I are responsible for the disease in the most patients, the mechanism by which the genetic defects cause abnormal bone development has not been well established. Therefore we evaluated static and dynamic bone histomorphometry of type I OI in the case study of a 15 year old boy with OI who had blue sclerae, a history of frequent fracture and a familial history of blue sclerae. Biopsy of the ilium showed loss of connection between the cortical bone and trabecular bones. The Harversian system in the cortical bone was poorly developed. In the trabecular bones, the lamellar pattern was poorly developed. Mineral apposition rate of the cortical bone was 1.0 m/day and of the trabecular bone was 0.79 m/day. Thus OI might be regard as a disease whereby abnormal collagen synthesis interferes with bone strength by multiple mechanisms.
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A Case of Pancytopenia Caused by Sheehan's Syndorme Improved with Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Sung Ki Kim, Yoon Ju Oh, Park Young Joo, Young Whan Kim, Seong Bin Hong, Mi Rim Kim, Moon Suk Nam, Yong Seong Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2000;15(4-5):595-599.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Postpartum ischemic necrosis of the pituitary gland, known as Sheehan's syndrome, is well- established clinical entity. In anterior pituitary insufficiency, there is very often a normochromic or hypochromic anemia but pancytopenia secondary to the hypopituitarism is less common. We report a case of pancytopenia due to complete aplasia of the bone marrow associated with Sheehan's syndrome, in which hormone replacement therapy alone produced full hematological recovery.
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A Case of Delayed Puberty due to Hypoplasia of Anterior Pituitary Gland with Pituitary Stalk Agenesis and Ectopic Neurohypophysis.
Seung Yong Shin, Jin Young Kim, Seung Jae Yoon, Sung Ki Kim, Seong Bin Hong, Yeo Joo Kim, Moon Suk Nam, Mi Rim Kim, Yong Seong Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1999;14(3):578-586.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Hypopituitarism is not a common cause of delayed puberty, however it should always be considered, especially if there are such signs as severe dwarfism, dollish face, truncal obesity, small hands and feet, and microgenitalia. Either congenital or acquired, hypopituitarism can be resulted from hypothalamic and hypophyseal lesions. The clinical feature can be diverse depending on age of the patients, rate of progression, degree of hormone deficiency and characteristics of the lesion. The recent high interest in delayed puberty and the improved detection of hypothalamic hypophyseal lesions using combined pituitary fuction stimulation test, brain CT and MRJ, has made the differential diagnosis of hypopituitarism possible as the cause of delayed puberty. MRI has shown hypophyeal hypoplasia accompanied by anterior pituitary hypoplasia and ectopic neurohypophysis in some of the patients with hypopituitasm, and although the anatomical abnormality around the hypophysis in these patients is considered the reason for hypopituitarism, the pathogensis of which has not yet to be known. We, here, report a case of delayed puberty by hypopituitarism due to hypoplasia of anterior pituitary gland, pituitary stalk agenesis and ectopic neurohypophysis with brief review of the litereature.
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A Case of Partial Hypopituitarism after Recovery from Korean Hemorrhagic Fever.
Yeo Joo Kim, Mi Rim Kim, Moon Seok Nam, Yong Sung Kim, Sung Ki Kim, Sung Kwon Bae
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1997;12(4):584-588.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Heorrhage and infarct-like necrosis of anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is one of the characteristic pathologic findings of the autopsied cases of Korean Hemorrhagic Fever (KHF) patients, but there has been rare reports of hypopituitarism in patients with KHF. Recently we have experienced a patient with hyponatremia who had recovered from KHF. He was admitted to our hospital due to nausea, vomiting, and epigastric discornfort. To determine the function of the anterior pituitary gland, hormonal levels of target galnds and pituitary gland were measured, and combined pituitary stimulation test was performed. ACTH, GH, and prolactin deficiency were confirmed by combined pituitary stimulation test in this patient. There was no evidence of hypothalamic or other pituitary diseases by brain MRI. Our experience shows that KHF can be a cause of hypopituitarism and these findings should alert physicians the possibility of hypopituitarisrn in patients who had recovered from KHF.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism