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Sun Hoe Kim  (Kim SH) 1 Article
Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas Secreting Multiple Hormones.
Young Cheol Kim, Oh Joong Kwon, Sun Hoe Kim, Yeo Kyu Yoon, Seung Keun Oh
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1999;14(2):379-391.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Endocrine pancreas tumor is a rare disease which incidence is less than 2% of all pancreatic tumors. But it comprises various types of tumor and usually secretes several hormones from one type of tumor although the patient with this tumor complains of sole symptom associated with only one hormone. The mechanism and clinical significance of multiple hormone secretion in the endocrine pancreas tumom are not yet clearly defined. METHODS: We analyzed retrospectively the clinicopathologic features of 20 cases which were operated at Seoul National University Hospital during the period between February 1989 and May 1998. RESULTS: The most common tumor was insulinoma (13 cases) and the second most common tumor was nonfunctioning tumor (6 cases). There was one case of somatostatinoma. Most of the patients with insulinoma complained of neuroglycopenic symptoms. There were 9 cases (45.0%) in which the tumors secreted more than two kinds of hormones, 7 cases in insulinoma, 2 cases in nonfunctioning tumors. Whether the tumor secreted multiple hormones was detected by the method of immunohistochemical staining. Though the tumors secreted more than two kinds of hormones, the patients with the tumors complained of symptoms which were associated with the cell type most strongly stained by immunohistochemical method. Whether or not the tumors secreted multiple hormones was not associated with the pathologic features such as tumor size, histologic patterns of the tumor, status of tumor cell differentiation and malignancy. CONCLUSION: From this results, we suggest that endocrine tumors of the pancreas secreted multiple hormones not by the mechanism of dedifferentiation from already differentiated endocrine cells but by the mechanism of neogenesis of multipotent islet stem cells. Since the relationship between the function of multiple hormone secretion in the endocrine pancreas tumors and islet stem cell would be significant, further study should be needed to find out the function of stem cells and application of stem cells to clinical use.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism