- A Case of Anterior Pituitary Agenesis in an Adult Woman.
Tae Sik Jung, Jong Ryeal Hahm, Kang Wan Lee, Jung Hwa Jung, Soo Hee Kim, Jong Ha, Hwal Suk Cho, Sun Il Chung
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2002;17(2):263-268. Published online April 1, 2002
- Dear Author, You have used abbreviations that will need to be defined in the main paper, i.e. PIT1, PROP1 and MRI. This is just for your advice. Pituitary agenesis is an uncommon cause of panhypopituitarism. It has been proposed that breech delivery, or birth trauma, is a major factor causing pituitary agenesis. Recent studies have suggested that genetic defects in the PIT1 or PROP1 gene might be involved in the pathogenesis of pituitary agenesis. In this case we report on the diagnosis of a 33-years old female patient with-growth retardation and sexual infantilism. We diagnosed anterior pituitary hormones deficiencies, with the exception of adrenocorticotropic hormone, by a combined pituitary stimulation test. We observed pituitary agenesis using sella MRI. Involvement of the PIT1 or PROP1 genes in this case remains to be determined. Here we report a case of pituitary agenesis found in an adult woman together with a brief review about this disease entity.