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Sang Mi Kim  (Kim SM) 3 Articles
Clinical Study
Association of the Preoperative Neutrophil-to-ymphocyte Count Ratio and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Count Ratio with Clinicopathological Characteristics in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Sang Mi Kim, Eun Heui Kim, Bo Hyun Kim, Jong Ho Kim, Su Bin Park, Yoon Jeong Nam, Kang Hee Ahn, Min Young Oh, Won Jin Kim, Yun Kyung Jeon, Sang Soo Kim, Yong Ki Kim, In Ju Kim
Endocrinol Metab. 2015;30(4):494-501.   Published online December 31, 2015
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Several inflammatory biomarkers, especially a high preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte count ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte count ratio (PLR), are known to be indicator of poor prognosis in several cancers. However, very few studies have evaluated the significance of the NLR and PLR in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). We evaluated the association of the preoperative NLR and PLR with clinicopathological characteristics in patients with PTC.


This study included 1,066 female patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for PTC. Patients were stratified into 4 quartiles by preoperative NLR and PLR. And the combination of preoperative NLR and PLR was calculated on the basis of data obtained value of tertile as follows: patients with both an elevated PLR and an elevated NLR were allocated a score of 2, and patients showing one or neither were allocated a score of 1 or 0, respectively.


The preoperative NLR and PLR were significantly lower in patients aged ≥45 years and in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The PLR was significantly higher in patients with tumor size >1 cm (P=0.021).When the patients were categorized into the aforementioned four groups, the group with the higher preoperative PLR was found to have a significantly increased incidence of lateral lymph node metastasis (LNM) (P=0.018). However, there are no significant association between the combination of preoperative NLR and PLR and prognostic factors in PTC patients.


These results suggest that a preoperative high PLR were significant associated with lateral LNM in female patients with PTC.


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A Case of Ectopic Thyroid Tissue Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration in the Lateral Neck.
Kyung Nam Lee, Sang Mi Kim, Jin Hee Choi, Kwang Duck Ryu, Bo Won Kim, Min Ji Shin, Bo Hyun Kim, In Ju Kim
Endocrinol Metab. 2012;27(3):217-221.   Published online September 19, 2012
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Ectopic thyroid glands generally occur in the midline as a result of abnormal median migration and their presence in lateral to the midline is rare. Embryologically, the thyroid gland is derived from two anlages: a large median endodermal anlage and two lateral anlages. The median anlage produces most of the thyroid parenchyma, whereas the lateral anlage is derived from the fourth pharyngeal pouch and contributes 1-30% of the thyroid weight. In rare cases, failure of the lateral anlage to fuse with the median anlage can result in lateral ectopic thyroid gland. For many years, lateral, aberrant thyroid tissue in adults was a term used almost exclusively for metastatic thyroid carcinoma. However, aberrant, benign ectopic thyroid tissue rarely occurs. We present a 47-year-old man who had incidentally detected mass on the right lateral neck. He was clinically in a euthyroid status and the thyroid function test results were normal as well. Neck ultrasonography revealed a mild diffuse goiter and a 1.22 x 0.65 cm sized ovoid mass like lesion was located in the right level IV of the neck. The result of fine needle aspiration cytology was adenomatous goiter without lymphoid tissue or any malignancy. We rarely report aberrant, benign ectopic thyroid presence as a lateral neck mass.


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  • Ectopic Thyroid Mimicking Lymph Node Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer
    Min Young Cho, Dong Young Kim
    Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.2023; 66(6): 417.     CrossRef
  • A Case of Lateral Ectopic Thyroid Mimicking the Metastatic Lymphadenopathy
    Seung Ho Kim, Jung Heob Sohn, Jung Yeon Kim
    Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.2019; 62(10): 588.     CrossRef
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A Case of Bilateral Struma Ovarii Combined with Subclinical Hyperthyroidism.
Sang Mi Kim, Bo Kwang Choi, Ji Hyun Kang, Mi Ra Kim, Yun Kyung Jeon, Sang Soo Kim, Bo Hyun Kim, In Ju Kim
Endocrinol Metab. 2012;27(1):72-76.   Published online March 1, 2012
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Struma ovarii is a rare monodermal variant of ovarian teratoma accounting for only 2% of all mature teratomas. To be classified as a struma ovarii, teratoma must be composed predominantly of mature thyroid tissue (> 50%). This tumor is generally benign, although malignant transformation has been reported. Struma ovarii occur mostly as unilateral cases, so bilateral cases are quite rare (less than 6% of cases). Struma ovarii occur largely without symptoms or are accompanied by non-specific symptoms, such as abdominal pain, a palpable abdominal mass, and abdominal distension. The preoperative diagnosis is generally difficult. The incidence of hyperthyroidism has been reported to be 5-10% of patients with struma ovarii. Thus, cases of functional bilateral struma ovarii are very rare. We report a case of bilateral struma ovarii with subclinical thyrotoxicosis and a diffuse goiter, mimicking a malignant ovarian tumor, and include a brief review of related literature.


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  • Benign Teratoma of the Thyroid Gland
    Chan Young Oak, Hee Kyung Kim, Tae Mi Yoon, Sang Chul Lim, Hyun Bum Park, Hyung Chul Park, Min Gui Han, Ho-Cheol Kang
    Endocrinology and Metabolism.2013; 28(2): 144.     CrossRef
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    Woohyung Lee, Nam-Joon Yi, Hyeyoung Kim, Youngrok Choi, Minsu Park, Geun Hong, June Young Choi, Hyun Hoon Chung, Kwang-Woong Lee, Do-Joon Park, Hye Sook Min, June-key Chung, Kyung-Suk Suh
    Korean Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery.2012; 16(3): 123.     CrossRef
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism