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Phil Ho Jung  (Jung PH) 1 Article
Association of Estrogen Receptor Genotypes with Serum Lipids and Responsiveness of Serum Lipids to Hormonal Replacement Therapy in Korean Postmenopausal Women.
So Ra Park, Jae Eun Park, Chung Kyu Hwang, Phil Ho Jung, Chang Hoon Yim, Ho Yeon Chung, Ki Ok Han, Hyun Ku Yoon, Hak Chul Jang, In Kwon Han
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1999;14(3):553-561.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Several biologically plausible mechanisms have been proposed for estrogen-mediated caridoprotection, including estrogen-assocaited changes in lipid metabolism and endothelial function of vessel walls. These effects are thought to be mediated via estrogen receptor (ER). Relationships between ER polymorphisms and serum lipid levels were not investigated enoughly. METHODS: Three restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the ER gene locus, represented as B-variant, PvuII and XbaI, and their relationship to serum lipid levels were examined in 318 postmenopausal women. Their mean age was 54.5+/-6.5 years (mean+SD). An association between ER genotypes and changes in lipid levels after 1 year of estrogen replacement therapy was also investigated in follow-up 251 women. RESULTS: The B-variant was not found in Korean women. The distribution of the PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms was as follows: PP 109 (34%), Pp 166 (52%), pp 43 (14%), and XX 204 (64%), Xx 95 (30%), xx 19 (6%). Significant relationship was found between genotypes and changes in serum total cholesterol levels after lyr estrogen replacement therapy. There was no significant relationship between ER genotypes and changes in HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels after estrogen therapy. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that these polymorphisms are possible predictor on lipid response to estrogen replacement therapy.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism