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Marites V. Alibayan  (Alibayan MV) 1 Article
Clinical Study
Iodine Status in Filipino Women of Childbearing Age
Michael E. Serafico, Joselita Rosario C. Ulanday, Marites V. Alibayan, Glen Melvin P. Gironella, Leah A. Perlas
Endocrinol Metab. 2018;33(3):372-379.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Iodine deficiency (ID) has become a concern not only among pregnant women, but in women of childbearing age as well. In fact, a recent report suggested that women with moderate to severe ID may experience a significantly longer time to conceive. This study aimed to investigate iodine status in Filipino women of childbearing age.


The iodine status of 6,194 Filipino women aged 15 to 45 years old was assessed through urinary iodine analysis. A casual spot urine sample was collected from women in households participating in the eighth National Nutrition Survey conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute. The sample was analyzed using ammonium persulfate digestion followed by the Sandell-Kolthoff colorimetric reaction. A median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) of less than 100 µg/L was used to define ID.


The median UIC was 123 µg/L, indicative of adequate iodine nutrition; however, 21.5% of participants had a UIC below 50 µg/L. The median UIC of women who lived in urban areas (142 µg/L), belonged to the middle to richest class (>124 µg/L), had reached a college education (136 µg/L), and used iodized salt (15 ppm and above; 148 to 179 µg/L) reflected adequate iodine nutrition. ID was found to have been eliminated in the regions of Central Luzon, Eastern Visayas, Calabarzon, Mimaropa, and the National Capital, while mild ID was identified in Western Visayas, Southern and Western Mindanao, and in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.


Pockets of ID among women of childbearing age exist in the Philippines. Proper information through education and the use of adequately iodized salt are key measures for improving the iodine status of the studied population.


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