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Kwan Ja Jee  (Jee KJ) 1 Article
Allelotyping and Comparative Genomin Hybridization Studies in Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas and Follicular Adenomas.
Il Min Ahn, Eun Sook Kim, Hyun Soo Park, Ki Young Park, Seok Jun Hong, Kyung Yub Gong, Jin Yub Kim, Sung Bae Kim, Sang Hee Kim, Sung Jin Lee, Jung Hee Han, Kwan Ja Jee
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1999;14(2):314-322.   Published online January 1, 2001
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In our previous study, the prevalence of the known causes of thyroid tumorigenesis was relatively rare in Korean population, suggesting genetic and environmental differences exist. Screening of genetic alteration in papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC) and follicular adenoma(FA) in whole genomic scale was needed prior to search on individual genes of possible causes. METHODS: Ten cases of PTC without ret/PTC-I, -2, -3 rearrangement and 5 cases of follicular adenoma were included in the study of microsatellite marker allelotyping. Sixty two microsatellite markers available, were chosen to cover the known sites of loss of heterozygosity(LOH) involved in thyroid tumors, tumor suppressor genes and terminal portion of each chromosomes. PCR was performed on tumor DNA and leukocytes DNA from each patient with MDE gel electrophoresis to detect LOH. Same specitnens as above, 3 case of normal thyroid tissues and NPA, ARO cell lines were included in the study of comparative genomic hybridization(CGH). Tumor and control DNAs were hybridized to metaphase chromosome with differential stainings with fluorescein and rhoda-mine-dUTP. Obtained results were analyzed by multicolor fluorescence computer assisted image analyzer. RESULTS: In allelotyping, LOH were detected in 5 cases of PTC, 2 cases on D10S1435, 1 case each on D2S1780, DSS1099, D11S1986, D16S539, 1 case of PTC revealed LOH on DSS1099, D11S1986. In FA, LOH were detected in 3 cases on D1S534, D1S226, Dl 1S907, D22S683, DXS9807. In CGH, Xp addition was noticed in 1 case of PTC, 12q and 10p addition was noticed in 1 case each, 16q deletion and 17q addition in 1 case of FA. CONCLUSION: No hot spot of LOH was noticed in microsatellite marker allelotyping, neither of common chromosomal change in CGH study suggesting unbalanced translocation or gene amplification more than 5-10 Mb may be involved in the genetic alteration of PTC and FA.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism