- A Case of Lymphocytic Hypophysitis Presented with Hypoglycemia after Delivery.
Jang Myung Son, Seung Hyun Ko, Yu Bae Ahn, Kang Ju, Jeong Rok Lee, Seong Eun Yang, Ki Ho Song, Ho Young Son, Jeong Su Jun
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2003;18(3):325-331. Published online June 1, 2003
- Lymphocytic hypophysitis, an inflammatory disease of the pituitary gland that is often associated with pregnancy, is caused by autoimmune destruction of the pituitary gland evidenced by diffuse inflammatory cell infiltration of the pituitary gland and some kinds of detectable autoantibodies. We report a case of lymphocytic hypophysitis in a 31-year-old woman presenting with severe hypoglycemia and hyponatremia after delivery. Hormonal study revealed panhypopituitarism and magnetic resonance imaging with enhancement showed the bulging contour of the right side pituitary gland with an ill-defined mass-like lesion and nodular thickening of the stalk. The patient's symptoms and biochemical data improved greatly with replacement of L-thyroxine and glucocorticoid. Partial recovery of panhypopituitarism was also seen. The follow-up tests revealed dramatic resolution of the pituitary lesion.