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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism


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Jae Seok Chun  (Chun JS) 2 Articles
A Clinical Study on Hypopitutiarism: Significance of Combined Pituitary Stimulation Test.
Bo Youn Cho, Hong Gyu Lee, Chang Soon Koh, Hyung Kyu Park, Sook Kyung Kim, Chan Soo Shin, Seong Yeon Kim, Jae Seok Chun, Kyung Soo Park, Hyeon Kyu Kim, Sun Wook Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1996;11(3):268-276.   Published online November 7, 2019
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Hypopituitarism can be caused by various diseases. Its clinical manifestations vary, depending on the extent and severity of the pituitary hormone deficiency. And some patients may initially present with SIADH-like features. Combined pituitary stimulation test has been used for the diagnosis of hypopituitarism and subsequent hormone replacement therapy. However, the test is laborious, expensive and uncomfortable to the patients, So we performed this study to know whether combined pituitary stimulation test can be replaced with clinical features and simple basal hormone concentrations. Methods: Fifty-four patients who were diagnosed as hypopituitarism by combined pituitary stimulation test were included in this study. Clinical features and basal hormone data were compared with the results of combined pituitary stimulation test for the evaluation of pituitary-gonadal, pituitary-thyroid, and pituitary-adrenal axes, using X2 test. Results: 1) In pituitary-gonadal axis, the evaluation of clinical features and basal gonad hormone concentrations were significantly consistent with stimulation test(p<0.05), 2) In pituitary-thyroid axis, the evaluation of basal thyroid hormone concentrations were more helpful than stimulation test though results of the two tests were not consistent. 3) In pituitary-adrenal axis, all patients whose basal cortisol concentrations were low showed inadequate responses to stimulation test. However, stimulation test revealed adrenal insufficiency in some patients with normal basal cortisol concentrations. 4) 9 patients who presented with SIADH-like features were older than the others and had all corticotropin deficiency. Conclusion: In patients with suspected hypopituitarism, the evaluation of clinical features and basal hormone concentrations can be sufficient for the diagnosis of hypopituitarism and hormone replacement therapy. However, stimulation test is necessary to investigate adrenal function in patients with normal basal cortisol concentrations. And hypopituitarism should be considered in old patients who present with SIADH-like features.
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Clinical Characteristics of Graves' Disease Patients with Undetectable Thyrotropin Binding Inhibitor Immunoglubulin (TB2).
Bo Youn Cho, Won Bae Kim, Hong Gyu Lee, Chang Soon Koh, Seong Yeon Kim, Seok In Lee, Jae Seok Chun, Kyung Soo Park
J Korean Endocr Soc. 1996;11(1):68-74.   Published online November 7, 2019
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Graves disease is an autoimmune disease caused by TSH receptor antibodies. Thyrotropin binding inhibitor immunoglobulins(TBII) are detected in most Graves patients, but some patients have no TBII activities in their sera. It is unknown whether the clinical features of TBII-positive patients are different from those of TBII-negative patients. Methods: To evaluate the prevalence of TBII-negative Graves' patients and its clinical differences from TBII-positive patients, we examined TBII by radioreceptor assay in 686 consecutive untreated Graves patients. We found 84 TBII-negative patients(15 men and 69 women, mean age ±EM: 40.9±.4 years) and compared their clinical characteristics with 87 TBII-positive patients (22 men and 65 women, mean age±EM: 39.9±.5 years) who were selected randomly from the same patients group. Results: In this study, TBII was undetectable in 12.2% of patients with Graves' disease(84 of 686). TBII-negative group had a less weight loss than TBII-positive group. However, there was no significant differences in age, sex ratio, prevalence of ophthalmopathy, duration of illness and positive rate of family history for thyroid diseases between TBII-negative and -positive groups. Serum total T or T levels were not different from each other, but T3-uptake was significantly higher in TBII-positive group than that in TBII-negative group, suggesting that the free hormone levels in TBII-negative group might be lower. The thyroid uptake of 99mTcO4 was significantly higher in TBII positive group than that in TBII-negative group. Thyroid autoantibodies, including antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin antibodies were detected in almost all patients but there were no differences in titers and positive rate between TBII-negative and -positive groups. Conclusion: Although TBII-negative Graves patients showed less weight loss and low 99mTc04 thyroidal uptake compare to TBII-positive patients, the clinical and immunological characteristics of TBII-negative patients are not different from TBII-positive one.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism