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In Young Choi  (Choi IY) 1 Article
Development of Clinical Data Mart of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor for Varied Clinical Research
Hun-Sung Kim, Hyunah Kim, Yoo Jin Jeong, Tong Min Kim, So Jung Yang, Sun Jung Baik, Seung-Hwan Lee, Jae Hyoung Cho, In Young Choi, Kun-Ho Yoon
Endocrinol Metab. 2017;32(1):90-98.   Published online February 28, 2017
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  • 19 Web of Science
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The increasing use of electronic medical record (EMR) systems for documenting clinical medical data has led to EMR data being increasingly accessed for clinical trials. In this study, a database of patients who were prescribed statins for the first time was developed using EMR data. A clinical data mart (CDM) was developed for cohort study researchers.


Seoul St. Mary's Hospital implemented a clinical data warehouse (CDW) of data for ~2.8 million patients, 47 million prescription events, and laboratory results for 150 million cases. We developed a research database from a subset of the data on the basis of a study protocol. Data for patients who were prescribed a statin for the first time (between the period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2015), including personal data, laboratory data, diagnoses, and medications, were extracted.


We extracted initial clinical data of statin from a CDW that was established to support clinical studies; the data was refined through a data quality management process. Data for 21,368 patients who were prescribed statins for the first time were extracted. We extracted data every 3 months for a period of 1 year. A total of 17 different statins were extracted. It was found that statins were first prescribed by the endocrinology department in most cases (69%, 14,865/21,368).


Study researchers can use our CDM for statins. Our EMR data for statins is useful for investigating the effectiveness of treatments and exploring new information on statins. Using EMR is advantageous for compiling an adequate study cohort in a short period.


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