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Hee Sun Chung  (Chung HS) 3 Articles
A Case of Renal Cell Carcinoma with Thyroid Metastasis.
Hye Seung Jung, Young Joo Park, Hee Sun Chung, Mee Soo Chang, Tae Hoon Jin, Cheol Soo Choi, Sung Woo Park, Tae Young Kim, Do Joon Park, Bo Youn Cho
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2003;18(3):318-324.   Published online June 1, 2003
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Metastatic thyroid cancer is uncommon but must be distinguished from primary thyroid cancer because of the differences in management and prognosis. Although renal cell carcinoma is one of the most common tumors that metastasize to the thyroid gland, such a case has never been reported in Korea. We describe the first case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the thyroid gland. A 66-year-old man presented with a neck mass detected about 6 weeks previously. He had undergone left nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma 8 years before and had remained disease-free thereafter. Computed tomography of the neck showed a 5 cm-sized thyroid mass. Fine needle aspiration cytology revealed some malignant cells containing intranuclear inclusions which were assumed to be papillary thyroid carcinoma. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy. Histologic diagnosis of the thyroid mass was metastatic renal cell carcinoma and further evaluation with chest computed tomography showed two enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes suggesting metastases. The previous history of malignancy should be scrutinized when managing a thyroid mass in patients with a prior or concomitant malignancy, and the possibility of metastasis should be carefully considered.
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Adequate Duration of Medical Therapy for Koreans with Graves' Disease.
Hyoung Suk Lee, Dong Hun Lee, Hee Sun Chung, Jong Woo Lee, Jung Eun Kim, Seung Soo Shin, Yoon Sok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Hyeon Man Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2003;18(1):24-31.   Published online February 1, 2003
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Graves' disease is an organ specific autoimmune disease. Three kinds of therapeutic modalities(antithyroid drugs, ablation with radioactive iodine and subtotal thyroidectomy) are frequently performed for the management of this disease. The most popular therapeutic policy for the disease in Korea is antithyroid treatment. We analysed and compared the remission rates of all three modalities for Graves' disease, and evaluated the antithyroid modality to determine the correct duration of treatment. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The medical records of 205 patients with Graves' disease were reviewed. For the evaluation of the antithyroid modality medical treatment, antithyroid drugs were administered for more than 1 year. The prognostic factors associated with remission were analysed by means of an ROC curve. RESULTS: 1) Of the 205 patients, proportions that received medical therapy, subtotal thyroidectomy and radioiodine therapy were 83.0, 14.1 and 2.9%, respectively. 2) The remission rates of the medical therapy, surgery and radioiodine therapy were 60.0, 96.5 and 83.0%, respectively. 3) The remission rate of the medical therapy was associated with the duration of medication and TBII activity. The determined proper duration for the antithyroid treatment was 26 months from the ROC curve analysis. CONCLUSION: The above results suggest that the proper duration of antithyroid treatment for Graves' disease is 26 months, after which time the subtotal thyroidectomy or radioiodine therapy should be considered if the disease has not remitted.
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A Case with Thyroid Tuberculosis Diagnosed by Non-operative Method.
Dong Hun Lee, Hee Sun Chung, Hyoung Suk Lee, Mee Jung Kim, Jung Eun Kim, Yoon Sok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Hyeon Man Kim
J Korean Endocr Soc. 2002;17(4):572-575.   Published online August 1, 2002
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Tuberculosis of the thyroid gland is extremely rare, with a few surgically removed cases having been reported. The differential diagnosis, from malignancies and other non tuberculous granulomatous lesions, is impossible clinical grounds. We experienced a case of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland with palpable thyroid nodules, in a 23 year-old female patient. She was clinical and biochemically euthyroid. US and CT scans demonstrated a low density mass in the left low lobe of the thyroid gland. An FNAB showed caseous necrosis, and AFB stains demonstrated tuberculosis bacilli. We report a case of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland, diagnosed by a non-operative method.
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Endocrinol Metab : Endocrinology and Metabolism